Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Some people have green thumbs. Some people have black thumbs. Everyone else has what I call a green pinky. They don't kill plants, usually, but they aren't winning first place at the local agricultural fair either.

So here I am to share the little bit I know about gardening and indoor plants. My garden consists of a 25' by 25' plot in the local community garden. It certainly has it's challenges, but it gives us fresh vegetables with only as much pesticide as I feel I must use.

At home we have a solarium that I keep full of houseplants. They're not all healthy house plants, but they are at least alive. They would probably be a lot more healthy if I could find the time to give them the TLC they need and deserve.

I also use a narrow strip of dirt behind our deck to grow a little something. It has varied from flowers to 'full garden' to almost nothing last year.

So, welcome to my little green spot on the web. Hope to see you back here soon!

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