Thursday, May 7, 2009

Time Spent Summary - May '09

I can't take credit for the idea of tracking the time and money spent on my garden. That goes to Get Rich Slowly's Garden Project. The idea is this: Does a garden save you money? It's a simple question, but a difficult answer.

Most people who garden will say even if the financial benefit isn't there, the quality improvement over supermarket produce is worth the price. I postulate that if you only look at the money spent vs the value of the produce, that you will come out ahead. If you include the time spent, however, I am pretty certain you will not come out ahead. And that's ok, so long as you look at the time as an investment in an enjoyable, healthful activity.

April Details

2009 Summary

Not having the plot tilled this year has allowed me to get a much earlier start than last year. Of course it also means more hours hand digging the garden. But, it will save me from a repeat of last year where I spent two or three weekends in a row spending all day both days working on garden prep and planting. So, hopefully the labor will all average out in the end.